Board of Zoning Appeals
Cleveland Board of Zoning AppealsCleveland, OH 44114 (Directions)
Room 516
Under the conditions specified by law, the Board of Zoning Appeals will be conducting virtual meetings using the WebEx Platform. The Board of Zoning Appeals meetings will also be live streamed on YouTube. The links for the live streams will be available before the meeting on our website at:
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Edited and summarized by the Cleveland - OH Documenters Team
Property variances sought for homes in Slavic Village, Union-Miles, Tremont & Kamms Corner
Hi, I’m Keith and I’ll be live-tweeting today’s Monday, July 19, 2021, the City of Cleveland’s Board of Zoning Appeals (“BOZA”) meeting starting at 9:30 AM for @cledocumenters #CLEDocumenters & @NeighborUpCle
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08:28 AM Jul 19, 2021 CDT
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The Preamble is read by Elizabeth Kukla,
BOZA Roll Call,
Tim Donovan is absent
Kelley Britt (Chairman) is present
Myrlene Barnes is present
Alanna Faith is present
BOZA has three requests for postponements.
Calendar No. 21-105
Calendar No. 21-087
Calendar No. 21-026 (included but no slide information provided)
All 3 have been passed without objection and postponed until August meetings.
BOZA reviews Calendar No. 21-104
Address: 3985 East 66th Street
Several individuals are sworn in to reflect on the variance request,
Anthony Brancatelli, Ward 12 City Council Representative
Nicole Calhoun of City Planning Commission
Marilyn Mosinksi of Slavic Village Development Corporation
Michael Centa, property owner
3985 East 66th Street’ history is reviewed.
A Use Variance is requested by property owner
Goal: Convert a two-family house into a four-person dwelling
Marilyn Mosinksi of Slavic Village Development Corporation does not support the variance request due to lack of parking and not a “feasible addition to area of neighborhood.”
Maurice Ruelens speculates that the house is already being used as a 4 person dwelling due to the amount of mailboxes present in the photograph.
Property Owner Michael Centa denies this.
Nicole Calhoun of City Planning Development does not support the variance request and wants to see proper parking addressed.
Ward 12 representative Anthony Brancatelli does not support the variance request as he is worried about the current condition of the property.
Property Owner Centa requests a withdrawal to address the property without a ruling. It is granted without objection.
BOZA reviews Calendar No. 21-098
Address: 13001 Dove Ave.
Individuals sworn in to reflect on Calendar No. 21-098
Paul Snowball, Property Owner
Marka Fields, of City Planning Commission
Amanda Cramer
Elizabeth Kukla reviews the history of the property.
Laure Wagner presents the legal standard and variance requested.
Paul Snowball has requested an area variance to address Cleveland Codified Ordinances parking requirements
Maurice Ruelens provides a summary of the property. 13001 Dove Avenue used to be a Cleveland Landbank Property and has not been properly graded. Additionally, the owner is requesting to install a fence larger than 4 feet.
Property Owner Paul Snowball is present and reviews his history with the property as well his goals, 7 parking spaces and green space for the remainder of the lot. He also owns corner parcel 13723024.
Snowball has a history with the building and the area as he grew up there.
Marak Fields commented that they approved the landbank sale and are generally supportive of the property. She is willing to work with the Property Owner Snowball to addressing the various variances requested.
BOZ Members Kelley Britt and Alanna Faith indicates that Snowball needs more time to address the changes and draft plans.
Snowball indicates he already has the drawings and is attempting to not postpone.
BOZA Member Ruelens indicates he should have received a letter. Snowball disputes this.
BOZA postpones to give Snowball time to address some of the variances, it is postponed until September 13, 2021.
BOZA reviews Calendar No. 21-099
Address: 6818-6094 Denison Avenue
Individuals Sworn In
Wesam Iwais
Kristen Zolas
Kukla reviews the history of 6818-6094 Denison Avenue
Iwais seeks to expand his business and generally comments he will do anything to be compliant with the city.
Kristyn Zollos supports the business expansion but wants them to be in code.
BOZA deliberates and decides due to the Iwais’s compliance, a withdrawal is best suited for this calendar number.
Kukla reminds Iwais that he will not receive a permit today and will have to work with the development corporation to receiving zoning approval from Build & Housing to receive a certificate of occupancy.
Iwais politely requests for a withdrawal.
BOZA grants without objection.
Sworn in today to reflect on Calendar No. 21-103.
Melanie Lauricia, Property Owner
An area variance is requested by property owner Lauricia
Lauricia wants to update their garage, which includes an expansion and a request to not be compliant with distance requirement from the property line.
She presents various documents for her case.
BOZA Member Ruelens supports the expansion but contends the distance from the property line must be met.
Lauricia debates wit the BOZA and ultimately agrees to the setback.
BOZA grants conditional approval based on her actions.
BOZA reviews Calendar No. 21-106.
Address: 2341 Scranton Rd.
Sworn in to reflect on Calendar No. 21-106.
Luca Staib, KOD Architecture
Donna Grigonis, Tremont West Development Corporation
Bob Brophy, Davey Resource Group
Kukla reviews a history of the property.
“In 1989 a permit was issued for a one-story addition. I did go back to the 1930s and it was labeled auto truck factory. There is one variance on file for building additions and change for mix-use.”
Applicant seeks an area variance concerning requirements for their parking lot.
Architect Lucas Staib is the spokesperson for the applicant and is seeking an extension of variances that were previously approved last year. The owner purchased another parcel for an expansion of his parking lot.
Architect Staib provides documents from their original variance request.
After a back forth about the requests being made, previous actions taken, and a fence to block apartments views of headlights in the parking lot, Items number 3 and 4 of Calendar No. 21-106 are approved.
BOZA hears Calendar No. 21-034 which was postponed from May 17, 2021 meeting.
Address: 9322 Nelson Avenue
A use and area variance are requested by property owner.
Ruelens summarizes that the property had parking and landscaping issues.
Appellant reflects on the updates to the property.
Cosmetic appearances
Marka Fields of City Planning Commission recommended for conditional approval based upon parking being updated to code and additional landscaping.
BOZA motions for conditional approval of Calendar No. 21-034 Items 1 and 4 if parking is updated to code.
BOZA approves 1, 2, and 4.
BOZA grants affirmations.
Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting for July 19, 2021 is adjourned around 11:25AM.
After the meeting is adjourned, Ruelens comments that since going virtual, BOZA has not required guest speakers to provide addresses. A small conversation is had among members reminding each other to start asking for addresses from guest speakers next week.
Summary of Board of Zoning Appeals July 19, 2021 meeting:
Calendar No. 21-098 is postponed.
Calendar No. 21-099 is withdrawn.
Calendar No. 21-103 is conditionally approved.
Calendar No. 21-104 is withdrawn.
Calendar No. 21-105 is postponed
Calendar No. 21-106 is partially approved.
Calendar No. 21-026 is postponed.
Calendar No. 21-034 is partially conditionally approved
Calendar No. 21-087 is postponed.
Remember to check out Antonio Foushee’s recorded notes of this meeting. They should be posted soon on the Cleveland Documenter’s website, access past meetings here:
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Agency Information
Cleveland Board of Zoning Appeals
The Board of Zoning Appeals is a 5-member body responsible for hearing appeals from individuals who are requesting exceptions or variations for city ordinances in regard to land use and building requirements or from individuals who are questioning the appropriateness of orders made by city officials.
Find live streams of meetings here: