
Thursday, May 16, 2024
10:00 a.m. — 2:00 p.m. CDT

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Edited and summarized by the Chicago - IL Documenters Team

Note-taking by Michael Grotton

Live reporting by Will Reynolds

Will Reynolds @willinois
Good morning! I'm live tweeting the meeting of the Chicago Plan Commission scheduled at 10am for @CHIdocumenters #CHIDocumenters

09:58 AM May 16, 2024 CDT

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@CHIdocumenters I'm watching remotely. Agenda items can be found here:…
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The Chicago Plan Commission was formed in 1909 to implement the Burnham Plan that shaped Chicago.…
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Chair Laura Flores starts the meeting at 10:07. Most of the ex-officio members and some appointed members are absent.
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There are multiple public speakers against a proposal project in North Lawndale at Ogden and Keeler.
The first, Joe, is against the project. Says it's wrong in every way imaginable. Members of the community were strongly against it at a recent public meeting.
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Another speaker favors preserving the historic buildings currently there and objects replacing it with a trucking facility in a residential area.
The Sun-Times covered the project:…
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A speaker who flew in from Los Angeles speaks about the history of the buildings that would be torn down, including Turner Manufacturing. People in the neighborhood deserve jobs and clean air.
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The son of the previous speaker also opposes the IDIL development. "This proposal is an erasure of the history." It needlessly displaces occupants. It replaces historic architecture with soulless warehouses.
It would bring in toxic pollution from diesel trucking exhaust.
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The IDIL proposal is deferred until June 20.
Here's a presentation on the project:…
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Another project is deferred proposed at 700 W. Chicago Ave. A member of the public speaks in favor of the project along the Chicago river.
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A speaker from the department of planning has a slide presentation on a proposal at 400 N Elizabeth. It's also posted online:…
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Representatives of the company proposing the project speak next. They say several improvements were made following a public meeting.
Urbanize Chicago recently wrote about it.…
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This is a transit oriented development so most occupants won't get a parking spot.
It includes pickup and drop off areas off the street, unlike some recent developments that force rideshare to block moving lanes while they wait.
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The architect continues, describing the landscape plan and mentions a dog park. I don't understand why people keep a dog in an apartment tower in a densely populated neighborhood with few places to play.
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A spokesperson for the Chicago Dept of Planning & Development says they recommend approval.
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There are several public speakers. The first is in favor with some comments about the parking area. He also spoke in favor of another project.
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The next speaker says she has been in the neighborhood since 1991. She's opposed to upzoning for the project.
"There is no upside or additional value to" neighboring properties for an upzoning.
Says the developers have no residential experience.
No street level design appeal.
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"Please consider building a single taller tower." Should be a more unique, visually appealing tower and provide more park space at ground level.
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The next speaker is the president of a condo association and is speaking for other condo associations in the neighborhood opposed to the tower.
They "have concerns about the lack of transparency." Public outreach has "been clumsy and arrogant."
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It's "uninviting to anybody west of Ogden."
"This is the wrong site for this development."
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The next speaker is from Neighbors of River West. They've already sent a letter acknowledging some objections.
He's talking about unrelated projects and giving a history lesson. I can't tell if he's opposed or not.
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"Any time there's dramatic change there are those who have a difficult time with it."
The guy still didn't plainly say his position or describe any benefits of it.
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The next speaker says property owners have not been engaged or listened to. HOA's have not been directly contacted.
"I think the process is broken. This is not the first time we've encountered it but I think it's the worst."
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Commissioner Pineiro asks if both towers are part of phase one. Answer: no. There are two phases.
He asks where the proposed Metra station would be.
It's "still in the works" but would be west of Ogden.
"Very preliminary."
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City planning staff respond to another question from a commissioner about public participation, saying they met the legal requirement of one community meeting and public notice.
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A company representative names three neighborhood groups they reached out to. They added greenspace and brought traffic off-street in response to feedback.
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Commissioner Reyes explains what he likes about the project and thinks they need more residential units like this in the neighborhood.
He wants to maintain their commitment to the manufacturing district. He thinks everything west of Ogden "should be a receiving corridor."
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Chicago planning staff respond that anything west of Kinzie is no longer a manufacturing corridor that builds anything, which seems obvious.
Reyes repeats that he wants west of Ogden to be an industrial receiving corridor.
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Reyes speaks about traffic impact and encourages bird friendly design. "The green space is going to be a lot friendlier if it's not littered with gold finches."
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Correction. The previous commissioner asking questions was Daniel La Spata. I thought the chair said Reyes. The audio isn't great and the chair doesn't make a point of identifying speakers well.
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Alderman Burnett points out that "a lot of people on this development team are minority contractors."
There are concerns about parking. "The Metra station will alleviate the need for parking." There will be a lot of bike parking.
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Burnett thinks the tower would bring the density we need to bring amenities to this community. It can enhance nearby commercial spaces and bring more retail. Likes the affordable housing inclusion.
"Unfortunately, we can't satisfy everybody all the time."
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The Chicago Plan Commission approves the residential towers at 400 N Elizabeth.
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Next, they consider a proposed development at 370 N. Carpenter St.
Staff from the Chicago planning department start a presentation:…
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This is a large mixed-use tower less than half a mile from the large residential tower they just approved. It's also transient oriented so they're not required to provide much parking.…
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A company spokesperson says the project includes open space and new green space. They emphasized the pedestrian experience. It looks like that means there won't be space for rideshare to pull out of traffic and pick people up, even though most residents won't have cars.
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Chicago Department of Planning recommends approval.
A member of the public who spoke in favor of two other projects also favors this one. He thinks there should be more parking. A thinner building with more parking underground would allow for more green space.
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The tower will have one parking spot for every 11.4 residents.
That means plenty of residents will order rideshare cars that will be forced to block traffic because plans include no pickup area.
The company reps have no response about parking ratio.
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Alderman Burnett talks about partnering with minority contractors. Says the plan will have plenty of bike parking.
There was no opposition at the community meeting.
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Project approved. That's two large towers approved less than half a mile from each other today.
The plan is apparently that people with six and seven figure salaries who can afford those units will bike to work when it's 100 degrees or below zero in Chicago. lol
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Now the Chicago Plan Commission considers a commercial development at 1614-1906 E. 95th St by FlexSol Packaging Corp, known as ISOFlex.…
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A company spokesperson talks through the presentation that's online. Chicago Planning Dept supports it.
Commissioner Soto hopes that the architecture is not so "monolithic" because this is also a residential community.
"A lot of these lots are contaminated."
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A company spokesperson says there's no soil contamination. Contaminants won't go into the air during construction.
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Commissioner La Spata asks about mass transit to the site. Response is that the 95th route is one of the busiest bus routes in the city. They don't have an answer about bike lanes.
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The project is approved.
Next, a Residential-Business Planned Development submitted by Alloy Property Company at 2031-2033 N. Kingsbury St.
The slide presentation begins:…
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This is near the proposed Lincoln Yards project.
Traffic is already horrendous along this stretch of Clybourne, even without all the new development.
They're proud of adding half an acre of green space and a dog park.
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Public comments. "Me again." The same person who spoke on the other projects also supports this one. He hopes more dense development happens outside the loop area. It's much better than the previous Sterling Bay project.
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They approve the project, which was their last agenda item.
The Chicago Plan Commission adjourns. This concludes my live tweeting for #CHIdocumenters.

Agency Information

Chicago Plan Commission

The Chicago Plan Commission is responsible for the review of proposals that involve Planned Developments (PDs), the Lakefront Protection Ordinance, Planned Manufacturing Districts (PMDs), Industrial Corridors and Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Districts. It also reviews proposed sales and acquisitions of public land as well as certain long-range community plans.


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